Gotcha™ Original Rescue Kit
The Gotcha™ Original was the first pre
assembled remote rescue kit. Designed for
rescuing a suspended casualty from fall arrest
lanyards, rope safety lines and fall arrest blocks,
all possible from a point of safety.
Casualties can either be raised or lowered
to the nearest point of safety, with casualties
initially raised to release their original attachment
preventing the need for cutting. The kit comes
complete with an anchor sling capable of
attaching to a wide range of structures and all
terminations are sewn for security.
The kit is adaptable for different heights of anchor
point, colour coded for simplicity and includes an
extension pole for remote attachment. Included is
the Grabba for rapid rescue from rope safety lines
or fall arrest blocks.
Kit Contains
– Upper and lower pulleys
– Gotcha™ Frog
– Attachment pole
– Rope controller
– Australian Standards rescue rope
– Rope Grabba (for inertia reels)
– Attachment sling
– Karabiners
– Back pack gear bag